Thursday, November 13, 2008

TE 303 - HW #7, P2 - Efficiency of an Int. Rev. HE with Multiple Heat Transfers - 10 pts

A system executes a power cycle while receiving 750 kJ by heat transfer at 1500 K and rejecting 100 kJ of heat at 500 K. A heat transfer from the system also occurs at 1000 K. There are no other heat transfers. If no internal irreversibilities exist in this system, determine the thermal efficiency of this cycle.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

* The key to this problem is that the cycle is internally reversible and that the temperatures within the system at which these heat transfers occur must remain constant. Therefore, we can use an entropy balance and the 2nd law to determine the amount of heat rejected to the third reservoir.

* You may also need to utilize the 1st law.


thermal efficiency: 46.7%