Monday, November 03, 2008

TE 303 - HW #6, P3 - A Reversible HE Used to Drive a Reversible Heat Pump - 10 pts

A reversible power cycle receives QH from a reservoir at TH and rejects QC to a reservoir at TC. The work developed by the power cycle is used to drive a reversible heat pump that removes Q'C from a reservoir at T'C and rejects Q'H to a reservoir at T'H.

a.) Develop an expression for the ratio Q'H / QH in terms of the temperatures of the four reservoirs.
b.) What must be the relationship of the temperatures TH, TC, T'C and T'H for Q'H / QH to exceed a value of 1.0 ?

9 Old Comments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

* Be sure to check out the comments from Dr. B's course!

* Start with the careful application of the 1st Law to both the HE and HP. All of the W from the HE is used to drive the HP, and thus Wcycle>=W'cycle. The first law will then give you a relationship of the heat transfer rates of both cycles.

* Remember that the Kelvin principle is valid when the cycle is reversible (thus Q_H/Q_C = T_H/T_C). Use this Kelvin relationship somehow to derive your expression in part a.

* For Part b, recall that multiplying an inequality by (-1) switches the direction (e.g., greater than to less than).

b) T_C/T'_C = T_H/T'_H