Monday, November 03, 2008

TE 303 - HW #6, P2 - Rev., Irrev. and Impossible Refrigeration Cycles - 16 pts

A refrigeration cycle operating between two reservoirs receives QC from a cold reservoir at TC = 250 K and rejects QH to a hot reservoir at TH = 300 K. For each of the following cases, determine whether the cycle is reversible, irreversible or impossible.

a.) QC = 1000 kJ and Wcycle = 400 kJ
b.) QC = 1500 kJ and QH = 1800 kJ
c.) QH = 1500 kJ and Wcycle = 200 kJ
d.) COP = 4

No Old Comments.


Anonymous said...

* This problem is similar to the example that we did at the end of class on 11/3.

* For part C, you may need to use the First Law Energy Balance to solve (to find Qc).

COP_rev = 5

c) COP = 6.5

Anonymous said...

Dr. P,
What answers should we get for these? I hate multi-part questions where I get very similar answers for all of them...


Anonymous said...

Dear Kris,

I can't give more answers than I already did without giving away this entire problem. What I can tell you is that each category (reversible, irreversible, impossible) is represented at least ONCE in the answers.

Please see me after class tomorrow if you want me to look over what you've done so far.