Monday, November 03, 2008

TE 303 - HW #6, P1 - "Show That" Using the K-P Statement of the 2nd Law - 10 pts

Using the Kelvin-Planck statement of the 2nd Law, demonstrate the following corollaries.

a.) The coefficient of performance (COP) of an irreversible heat pump cycle is always less than the COP of a reversible heat pump when both heat pumps exchange heat with the same two thermal reservoirs.

b.) All reversible heat pump cycles exchanging heat with the same two thermal reservoirs have the same COP.

8 Old Comments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

* Be sure to check out the comments from Dr. B's course!

* This problem is just like the proofs that we did in class on 11/3/08, so please refer to your notes.

a) COP_rev > COP_irrev

b) COP_rev1 = COP_rev2