One kg of air as an ideal gas executes a Carnot power cycle having a thermal efficiency of 60%. The heat transfer to the air during the isothermal expansion is 40 kJ. At the end of the isothermal expansion, the pressure is 5.6 bar and the volume is 0.3 m3. Determine...
a.) The maximum and mininmum temperatures for the cycle in Kelvin.
b.) The pressure in bar and volume in m3 at the beginning of the isothermal expansion.
c.) The work and heat transfer for each of the four processes in kJ.
Assume: CV,air = 0.731 kJ/kg-K(constant).
d.) Sketch the cycle on a PV diagram.
9 Old Comments
1 comment:
* Be sure to check out the comments from Dr. B's course!
* To help you solve, make a table of what Q and W is for each process in the Carnot cycle, such as you see at the end of TCD-6E1.
* Remember to utilize what we know about the ideal gas law! (EOS, calculating W, etc.)
* Check your answer by remembering that Qcycle=Wcycle and that thermal_eff = Wcycle/Qin.
* For Part a, it is asking you for TH and TC.
a) TC = 234.2 K
b) P = 710 kPa
c) Q34 = -16 kJ
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