Thursday, April 05, 2007

HW #3, P1 - Steam NIST / TFT Fundamentals - 2 pts

Complete the following table for water using either the NIST Webbook or the Thermal/Fluids Toolbox (TFT) Excel plug-in.

T (oC) P (kPa) H (kJ/kg) x (kg vap/kg) Phase Description

a.) P = 200 kPa, x = 0.7 kg vap/kg
b.) T = 140oC , H = 1800 kJ/kg
c.) P = 950 kPa, x = 0 kg vap/kg
d.) T = 80oC, P = 500 kPa
e.) P = 800 kPa, H = 3161.7 kJ/kg

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