Friday, April 14, 2006

HW #5 - P #3 - Steady Flow Through an Adiabatic Steam Turbine - 6 pts

Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine. The inlet conditions of
the steam are 10 MPa, 450°C, and 80 m/s, and the exit conditions are 10 kPa,
92 percent quality, and 50 m/s. The mass flow rate of the steam is 12 kg/s.
a.) The change in kinetic energy
b.) The power output
c.) The turbine inlet area


Anonymous said...

For part C, I'm simply using mdot = v*A/Vspec. And am not close to the right answer. Is there something tricky here?

Dr. B said...

washburn 3:57 PM
You provided the correct equation for determining A1.
No tricks assuming you keep in mind which is the inlet and which is the outlet stream.
All you need to do is determin V^ at the inlet and you should be good to go.

Anonymous said...

What equation are we using to find KE in a) ? The one i have has two unknowns- W and KE is there a better one?

Dr. B said...

worp 3:34 PM

deltaEkin^ = delta(v^2)/(2 gc)

This should make part (a) pretty straightforward.

Anonymous said...

How to find part b)?

Dr. B said...

Apply the 1st Law tothe turbine.
You know the mass flow rate as well as the specific enthalpy and velocity at both the inlet and the outlet.
So, plug in numbers and calculate the turbine power output.