Complete this table for refrigerant-134a.
T(oF) P (psia) H (Btu/lbm) x Phase Description
a.) 80 141.768
b.) 15 0.6
c.) 10 70
d.) 180 193.228
e.) 110 1.0
Notice that I changed the given H^ values in parts (a) and (d) just as I did for P2 in HW #2. So, you should get the same answers using NIST.
Note: Please use the IIR Reference State in NIST for this problem if you want your answers to match thos given on HW #2.
I just updated the answers for this problem on HW #3.
DR. B,
Can you explain how to derive the quality for a)?
Anon 10:13 PM
At 80 psia, you look up Hsatliq and Hsatvap. The value of H given in the problem lies between these two, so we know we have a sat mix. There are just TWO eqns you need to know to use quality. The one you need here is:
x = (Hsatmix-Hsatliq)/(Hsatvap-Hsatliq)
PLug in the numbers and, presto, you've got the quality !
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