Wednesday, February 07, 2007

HW #4, P11.25 - Fugacity of a Mixture: Real vs. Ideal Solution - 8 pts

For the system ethlyene(1) / propylene(2) as a gas, estimate: f1^, f2^, phi1^ and phi2^ at T = 150 degC, P = 30 bar and y1 = 0.35.

a.) Through application of Eqs.(11.59) and (11.60).
(Actually, use the SRK EOS, like in class.)
b.) Assuming that the mixture is an ideal solution.


Anonymous said...

I'm using the SRK for this problem, as suggested, but I came out with a different answer. I checked the solution, and it turns out my Aij/Avap values are different. The matrix in the solution comes out inconsistent when I try to reverse-calculate it...which probably means I don't understand what you did there. Help?

Anonymous said...

Ok, nevermind. I was thinking there was an extra step in there somewhere. Got it now!

Dr. B said...

I is an engr student 8:33 PM & 8:50:

Glad you got it, because I would have needed to help you in person on that one !

Anonymous said...

What are is the shortcut key to solver? I tried looking but to no luck.

Dr. B said...

ALT-t-v will open Solver in Excel.

Anonymous said...

what is the solution? can somebody help me with this question? i have no idea how to solve this question

Dr. B said...

Use the SRK equation of state. Do you have a copy of the Intro to ChemE Thermo textbook by Smith, VanNess & Abbott? That is helpful.