Wednesday, February 07, 2007

HW #4, P11.28 - Excess Gibbs Free Energy of a Real Liquid Mixture - 16 pts

The excess Gibbs energy of a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by:

a.) Find expressions for Ln g1 and Ln g2 at T and P.
b.) Show that when these expressions are combined in accord with Eq.(11.95) the given equation for GE/RT is recovered.
c.) Show that these expressions satisfy Eq.(11.96), the Gibbs/Duhem Equation.
d.) Show that (d Ln g1 / dx1)x1=1 = (d Ln g2 / dx1)x1=0 = 0.
e.) Plot GE/RT, Ln g1 and Ln g2 as calculated by the given equation for GE/RT and by the equations developed in part (a) vs. x1. Label points Ln g1∞ and Ln g2∞ and show their values.

1 comment:

ahayles said...

When is homework #5 due?