Friday, March 02, 2007

HW #6, P13.20 - Eeq as a Funtion of Temperature for Ammonia Synthesis from N2 and H2 - 14 pts

For the ammonia synthesis reaction :

The equilibrium conversion to ammonia is large at 300 K, but decreases rapidly with increasing T. However, reaction rates become appreciable only at higher temperatures. For a feed mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen in stoichiometric proportion :

a.) What is the equlibrium mole fraction of ammonia at 1 bar and 300 K ?

b.) At what temperature does the equilibrium mole fraction of ammonia equal 0.5 for a pressure of 1 bar ?

c.) At what temperature does the equilibrium mole fraction of ammonia equal 0.5 for a pressure of 100 bar, assuming the equilibrium mixture is an ideal gas ?

d.) At what temperature does the equilibrium mole fraction of ammonia equal 0.5 for a pressure of 100 bar, assuming the equilibrium mixture is an ideal solution of gases ?

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