Wednesday, March 21, 2007

HW #2, P6- Inflating an Automobile Tire - 6 pts

Please post any questions or discussion related to this problem as comments on this message. Feel free to answer other students' questions. I will check the blog M-F and once on the weekend.
Dr. B


Anonymous said...

do we not need to know the molecular weight of the air to find V wiggle?

Dr. B said...

Yes, you need to know the MW of air. It is 29 g/mole or lbm/lbmole.
I think this is in an example in Thermo-CD, but it may not be in the book.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about which R value units to use in the ideal gas EOS. I'm was planning on using the AE units of psia, ft^3, and degrees F but don't see an R that matches those units. Any shoves in the right direction would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I just converted everything to atm, liters, and Kelvin so I could use .08206 L-atm/K-mol. Hope that's good enough...

Dr. B said...

In the unit conversion table in the back of the Thermo CD workbook, you will find R in many unit systems. The best choice for this problem is probably R = 10.73 psia-ft^3/lbmole-degR.

Converting everything to SI is time consuming and gives you too many chances to make a mistake.

Anonymous said...

how does one convert a gmole to a lbmole?

Dr. B said...

I avoid switching systems of units in general.

But because there are 453.593 g/lbm, there are also 453.593 lbm/lbmole.