I hope this new mode of exchanging ideas helps a variety of people learn a few things about thermodynamics...including me !
I will be teaching the introduction to thermodynamics course this spring, so I will post my thoughts regularly. Until then, it will be interesting to see who finds this blog.
Nice blog doc.
How do I learn thermo?
>> How do I learned thermo?
cool website!
Dr. Baratuci,
There seems to be a problem with the quiz for lecture 2. Perhaps I am mistaken? Question 3 does not list the office hours that we are to choose.
Im having trouble with HW problem number 5. Ive converted everything to AE because that makes g/gsubc one. Then I know that P2=P1+density air(density merc dosent matter because all ther mercury does is tell you what the pressure is...I think)times height.
Then I just try to solve for height and then convert the answer to meters. Any suggestions as to if my method is wrong or if im just making a unit mistake??
oh haha n/m figured it out...unit mistake
I answwered the question about P#5 under the separate posting for that problem. Please take a look there.
I was wondering if it is just me, but the first aid kit on thermo cd doesnt work.
No, it is not just you. There are no longer any 1st Aid kits. All of that info is now in your book. I will send out an email explaing this right now. Thank you for asking.
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