Air from an oven exhaust enters the steam generator at 360oF and 1 atm with a volumetric flow rate of 3000 ft3/min and exits at 280oF and 1 atm. Ignore all heat exchange with the surroundings and any changes in potential and kinetic energies. Determine the power developed by the turbine in horsepower.
CP,air = 7.05 Btu/lbmole-oF.
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* Remember to look at the comments from Dr. B's class
* Apply the first law to the heat exchanger to determine the mass flow rate of the water in streams 1,2, and 3. Then, apply the first law to the turbine to determine its power output in hP.
* The analysis of the heat exchanger can be done in multiple ways but should yield the same result.
* You can assume that the air behaves as an ideal gas with a constant Cp (given in problem). You can write the ideal gas EOS to include the rates: P Vdot = ndot R T = mdot R T / MW.
* mass flow rate at 1 = 2.803 lbm/min
* Wsh = 12.9 hP
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