Thursday, August 21, 2008

TE 303 - Welcome to the LearnThermo Blog

For each homework problem that Dr. Pasquinelli assigns, I will post the problem statement on this blog. If you have any questions about the problem, click on the small red "comments" at the end of the problem statement. This will take you to a page where you can see all of the questions that you classmates asked, as well as my answers. If nothing you find on this page answers your question, then you can type in a new question for me. You should probably choose the "Name/URL" option for your identity. This will let you make up any name you like. This helps me state which question I am answering. But you don't need to use your real name. That way you and I can interact and no one will know who you are.

I will check this blog twice per day during the week, but you cannot rely on me on the weekend. I will probably only check the blog on Sunday night.

BUT I encourage you to answer each others questions ! You don't really, really (Shrek) understand something until you can explain it to someone else. So, try to help someone. It is anonymous. You might get a deeper understanding of the problem, and helping someone learn is a good thing to do.

I have blogged (with my students) many of the problems Dr. Pasquinelli will use in this course. You can search this blog to see the questions and answers that are already posted. I suggest you focus your search on March through June 2007.

You might also consider the supplemental example problems for Thermo-CD. These are posted on my LearnThermo webiste. Here is the link that goes directly to the additional example problems: Examples

I look forward to working with you.

Dr. B

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