Wednesday, May 10, 2006

HW #9, P#5 - Effects of Reheating and Multistage Compression on the Efficiency of a Brayton Cycle - 2 pts

A simple ideal Brayton cycle without regeneration is modified to incorporate multistage compression with intercooling and multistage expansion with reheating, without changing the pressure or temperature limits of the cycle. As a result of these two modifications...
a.) Does the net work output increase, decrease, or remain the same?
b.) Does the back work ratio increase, decrease, or remain the same?
c.) Does the thermal efficiency increase, decrease, or remain the same?
d.) Does the heat rejected increase, decrease, or remain the same?


Anonymous said...

i have that:

a) the net work output is the same.
b) the backwork ratio is the same.
c) the thermal efficiency decreases.
d) the heat rejected (Qc) increases.

does anyone disagree with any of these? i'm not 100 confident in the first two answers.

Anonymous said...

Part A and Part B are not right.

Anonymous said...

Use T-S diagram to figure it out.